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Fuel Economy and CO2 Emissions

A. Ford U.S. Corporate Average Fuel Economy

Miles per gallon
  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Cars (domestic and import) 27.9 26.7 28.6 28.2 29.1 30.3
Trucks 21.3 21.0 21.6 21.1 22.3 23.6
Combined car and truck fleet 23.6 22.8 24.1 23.8 25.3 26.0
  • Reported to regulatory authorities (EPA)

B. Ford U.S. CO2 Tailpipe Emissions per Vehicle (Combined Car and Truck Fleet Average CO2 Emissions)

Grams per mile
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
375 387 368 371 352 340

C. European CO2 Performance, Passenger Vehicles – Percent of 1995 Base

1995 base = 100 percent

  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Ford 82 80 78 78 78 77
Volvo 91 89 87 86 84 81

Notes to the Data

Chart A

See the Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions section for a discussion of our Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) performance. For the 2008 model year, the CAFE of our cars and trucks increased by 2.9 percent relative to 2007. Preliminary data for the 2009 model year indicates that the CAFE of our cars and trucks will improve by another 4.0 percent compared to 2008. Improvement is reflected in increasing miles per gallon.

Chart B

See the Climate Change section for a discussion of our CO2 emissions performance. Improvement is reflected in decreasing grams per mile.