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Perspectives on Sustainability

Nancy L. Gioia

Ford Motor Company
Director, Sustainable Mobility Technologies and Hybrid Vehicle Programs

/ford/02-28-2010/Nancy L. Gioia

David Berdish

Ford Motor Company
Manager of Sustainable Business Development

/ford/02-28-2010/David Berdish

Ursula Wynhoven

United Nations Global Compact Office
Head, Policy & Legal and Special Assistant to the Executive Director

/ford/02-28-2010/Ursula Wynhoven

Manfred Mueller

Robert Bosch LLC
Executive Vice President, Original Equipment Sales

/ford/02-28-2010/Manfred Mueller

Flaura Koplin-Winston and Dennis Durbin

Center for Injury Research and Prevention, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Co-Scientific Director and Founder and Co-Scientific Director

/ford/02-28-2010/Flaura Koplin-Winston and Dennis Durbin

Ellen Hughes-Cromwick

Ford Motor Company
Chief Economist

/ford/02-28-2010/Ellen Hughes-Cromwick