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Human Rights

/ford/02-28-2010/Human Rights

Ford has been a leader in addressing human rights and working conditions in the auto industry. Since we committed to address human rights as a strategic business issue in 2000, our approach has evolved.

While our initial focus was on potential risks in our own operations and those of our suppliers, we are now leading an effort to bring automakers together to apply a common approach to the global supply chain. We have also moved beyond assessing individual suppliers' compliance to building capability throughout the supply chain to manage working conditions effectively. And we have expanded the scope of our effort to make community engagement and environmental protection integral parts.

Human rights refers to basic standards of treatment to which all people are entitled. It is a broad concept, with economic, social, cultural, political and civil dimensions. For Ford, this means ensuring that our products, no matter where they are made, are manufactured under conditions that demonstrate respect for the people who make them. It also means respecting the rights of people living in the communities around our facilities, and those of our suppliers, who may be affected by these operations.

Working conditions refers to aspects of human rights in the workplace, as governed by local laws and affected by international standards pertaining to workplace issues such as child labor, harassment and discrimination, health and safety, wages and benefits, freedom of association, working hours and forced labor.

Ford's Code of Basic Working Conditions is based on fundamental elements of internationally recognized labor standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labour Organization Covenants, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations' Global Compact Principles, the Global Sullivan Principles, and standards of the Fair Labor Association and International Metalworkers' Federation.

/ford/02-28-2010/Ursula Wynhoven


Ursula Wynhoven

United Nations Global Compact Office, Head, Policy & Legal and Special Assistant to the Executive Director

/ford/02-28-2010/Manfred Mueller


Manfred Mueller

Robert Bosch LLC, Executive Vice President, Original Equipment Sales


individuals in Ford's supply chain received working conditions training