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Case Study: Political Contributions

Ford Motor Company is an active participant in the United States' political process in a manner that is transparent and directly related to our business issues. We operate in a highly competitive and regulated environment, and believe that our participation in the democratic process is required if we are to fulfill our responsibilities to our employees, suppliers and shareholders.

Ford Motor Company's political contributions in the United States are made solely through our corporate Political Action Committee: the Ford Motor Company Civic Action Fund (the Ford PAC). Ford Motor Company does not make any corporate financial contributions directly to political candidates. The Ford PAC is funded by voluntary contributions from eligible salaried employees and retirees. All contributions made to the Ford PAC and all distributions from the Ford PAC are in compliance with Federal Election Commission regulations.

Ford Motor Company complies fully with all laws and rules governing our employees' interactions with officials at all levels of government (federal, state and local). Furthermore, all of our contact and dealings with government officials must not only comply with all applicable laws, but also with our global corporate Policies and Standards of Corporate Conduct.

Political contributions by the Ford PAC are made in accordance with our business objectives that support our competitiveness in the global automotive industry. Ford PAC contributions are not made on the basis of social issues, party affiliation or political ideology. All Ford PAC contributions in excess of $1,000 must be approved by the Ford PAC Political Contributions Committee (PCC), a cross-functional group of Ford employees representing a broad range of organizational levels.

Note that under federal law, foreign nationals are prohibited from making contributions in connection with any U.S. election and are thus not eligible to join the Ford PAC.