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Manufacturing Facilities

We have adopted a rigorous and holistic approach to reducing the overall environmental impacts of our manufacturing facilities. To meet this challenge, we have global facility environmental goals that address the range of our environmental impacts, including energy use, emissions, water use and waste generation. Every facility uses a detailed scorecard to report against the goals, so we can track and accelerate improvements. Our 2007 and 2008 goals and progress are shown here.

In 2007, we also launched the Global Emissions Manager database, or GEM. This industry-leading database provides a globally consistent approach for measuring and monitoring environmental data, which helps us track and improve our efforts to reduce water consumption, energy usage, carbon dioxide emissions and the amount of waste sent to landfill. GEM also provides a library of environmental regulations relevant to each specific plant, significantly increasing the efficiency of tracking and meeting environmental regulations. The environmental data tracked in GEM for every facility is included in monthly scorecards reviewed by senior management and CEO Alan Mulally's routine business plan review meetings.

This section reports on our facilities' environmental performance, including energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, other emissions including volatile organic compounds, water use, waste reduction, land use, compliance and remediation.