JAMIE McMURRAY – No, 26 Crown Royal Ford Fusion – “Certainly, the Fords have struggled recently. Greg, probably, has been our most consistent car, but I think all of our cars are pretty good here. They worked really hard at the shop to get us some different types of set-ups, and I think that what we have seems strange compared to what our norm is, but they’ve done a really good job, and our cars are driving a lot better this weekend.”
GREG BIFFLE – No. 16 3M Ford Fusion – “This tire is really proposing a lot of trouble for us, and we’re just super-loose and having troubles getting a hold of the race track – I think everybody is, and it’s going to be the guy that can drive it for [400] miles. It’s hard right now. They should’ve left the tire alone. There was nothing wrong with the old one.”