Ford Parade Float Appearance and Food Drive

DEARBORN -- For the first time in more than 25 years, Ford entered a float in the Detroit Thanksgiving parade and there was another way to get a close-up look at it and help local food banks at the same time.

The float, "Driving a Brighter Future," was on display Friday, Dec. 18 at Ford World Headquarters Building. During the event attendees could be photographed with the float and meet the float design team.

Through-out the event canned goods were collected for local food banks to help replenish needed inventory. Attendees were encouraged to contribute and those who donated five or more non-perishable food items get an official limited edition "Driving a Brighter Future" float t-shirt.

For those who were able to attend the parade float event, thank you. The event photo gallery is provided through Flickr. When viewing a gallery, you can preview each photo in the gallery from a list of thumbnails below the main display, click on the picture in the main display and launch the Flickr web site. At the web site you can view a larger version, copy and paste it into your own document, make a comment, and even order prints.

View Photo Gallery on Flickr