Car crashes greatly affect Latino children and the Latino population in general. The fatality rate for Latino children ages 5 to 12 involved in vehicle crashes is 72 percent greater than the fatality rate of non-Latino white children. For Latinos ages 35 to 44, vehicle crashes are the third-leading cause of death, as compared to the ninth-leading cause of death for the general population.*

Promoting Child Passenger Safety
To spread the word about child passenger safety to the Latino community, we support the Corazón de mi vida partnership between the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA) and the National Latino Children's Institute (NLCI).
"Corazón de mi vida" is a Spanish term of affection meaning "you are the center of my life." With this central message, the Corazón de mi vida partnership focuses on child passenger safety.
A Program Designed for the Latino Community
The development of the Corazón de mi vida initiative included a one-year pilot program conducted in 2000. Findings from the pilot program confirmed that the greatest improvement in Latino child passenger safety behavior occurred when outreach activities centered around Latino values and traditions took place, such as conversations with parents, and religious ceremonies. As a result, the following activities have become integral components of the program:
- Parent Plática: A series of discussion sessions, or "pláticas," focused on child passenger safety. The sessions are held at locations where Latinos gather, such as churches, childcare centers and community centers. Parents view a safety seat installation demonstration and receive informational materials.
- Press Conferences: Community leaders, citizens and elected officials attend informational and educational events to promote child passenger safety. As in the Parent Plática, the press conferences also include safety seat installation demonstrations.
- Saturday Safety Seat Clinics: Families attend these clinics to learn about safety seat installation and to have their safety seats inspected for proper installation.
- Safety Seat Blessing: In this ceremony, a religious leader blesses safety seats that are given to parents. The parents also make a personal commitment to child passenger safety.
Our support of the Corazón de mi vida partnership has helped spread the word about child passenger safety to many communities in various states, including Arizona, Illinois, Colorado, California, Florida, Kansas, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Puerto Rico, Texas and Washington. To further emphasize the message of child passenger safety, we have donated over 2,000 car seats through the Corazón de mi vida program.
* Data according to the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA).
More Information
Visit the Corazón de mi vida website for more information.