Dealer Development Program

To help talented, young business people become Ford Motor Company dealers, we began our Dealer Development Program in 1950.

Helping New Dealers

Many automobile dealers are third- or fourth-generation owners of the business. To break into the business, a first-generation dealership owner must accumulate a significant amount of capital ($2 million or more) even before they open the dealership doors.

To help new owners achieve success, our Dealer Development Program funds up to 90 percent of the investment capital needed to purchase a dealership. The investment is paid back from the dealership's net profits. The dealer is provided a salary and a bonus until ownership is achieved.

Increasing Minority Ownership

Many members of ethnic minorities (people of African-American, Hispanic, Native American or Asian descent) benefit from the assistance our Dealer Development Program provides. As a result, we've become a leader among automakers in expanding our minority dealership base. Of Ford's 3,667 dealers, 289 (8 percent) are owned by ethnic minorities. And when all dealerships in the Ford family of brands are taken into account, the number reaches 351 (7.3 percent) of franchised dealers.