Ford Motor Company Vehicle Brands


The very first member of the Ford Motor Company family of brands, Ford offers distinctively designed and affordable vehicles for the world's varying lifestyles. From the Model T—the car that first brought driving to the people—to more recent favorites like the Mustang in the United States, the Mondeo in Europe, the EcoSport in South America and the Territory in Asia, Ford vehicles have been among the world's most popular cars, trucks and SUVs.

Brief History

Ford Motor Company began with just Ford vehicles in a wagon shop in Michigan. To fully understand the essence of this founding member of the family brands, just look at the early history of Ford Motor Company, from Henry Ford's earliest automotive experiments to the Model A, Model T and beyond.

While value for money has always been a top priority in developing Ford vehicles, that concern has never compromised quality or the pursuit of quality solutions. Ford has always strived to meet consumers' real-life requirements—from smaller cars for Europeans to "smarter" cars for the ever-changing environment.

More Information

In the United States, visit the Ford Vehicles website or call 800-392-3673 (TDD for the hearing impaired: 800-232-5952). Outside the United States, visit our country websites.