
In 2010, we developed and implemented “digital participation guidelines,” to guide employees’ interactions in social media such as Facebook and Twitter. In addition, we established an online training that helps employees understand how to adhere to these guidelines.

We also have taken part in policy discussions around “conflict minerals.” We met with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to discuss substantive issues relating to the implementation of a new law requiring companies to report annually on their use of conflict minerals. And, we are piloting the implementation phase of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Framework for Due Diligence regarding conflict minerals. See the Public Policy section for more on these issues.

In 2010 and early 2011, Ford received a number of recognitions for our corporate responsibility work, our reporting and our governance practices. For example, Ford was ranked second out of 350 of the largest U.S. companies in the latest Maplecroft Climate Innovation Index, which rates company performance in climate-related innovation and carbon management. See the Awards and Recognitions page for additional awards received.

This section of the report discusses Ford’s overall and sustainability governance, including how we address human rights and other ethical issues and its management of key sustainability issues.